August. 31, 2009
3 John 1:4 - I have no greater joy than to have news that my children are walking in the true way.
This is so true. While it is written by the Apostle John about those who were his own spiritual "children", it could also be said of God the Father, of pastors for their congregations, and of parents for their own children. There truly is no greater joy for any parent! The "other side of the coin" is equally true, however. If one's children are not "walking in the true way", it is the greatest heartbreak for them. If you are a parent of a child (however young or old) who is not "walking in the true way", pray...cry out...weep before the Lord on their behalf. God is faithful and will hear your cries! Remember, your child was His child FIRST! He knew him/her from the foundation of the world and is the One who formed him in his mother's womb!
August 31, 2009
"How do you know if something is a sin?"
How do we know when something would be sinful for us to engage in, especially if it's not a "black and white", clear-cut, obvious transgression?
Hear what the Word of God says:
Philippians 3:12-15
12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,
14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
15 Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you.
Hear what else the Word says:
Numbers 32:23 have sinned against the Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out.
There is a fine line between living in faith and mistaking foolishness for faith. Faith seeks to please the Lord in EVERYTHING. If it cannot be done in FAITH, believing it is right before the eyes of the Lord who sees all the hidden things, then it is sin. Our humanity would like to interpret that to say instead that since I am not perfected yet (Phil. 3:12) it is expected that I would sin, so what am I to do about that? That, my dear friend, is "over the line" and is foolishness. It is not for ANY of us to judge (condemn) others. But it is our responsibility (all of ours, not just pastors) to make judgment calls on what is sin in our OWN lives. Many times what I can do in complete faith and is not sin for me may cause someone else to sin because it cannot be done in a pleasing manner before God by them. Hence, we are all called to a higher responsibility...if anything is even questionable, refrain from doing it. Period!
1 Corinthians 8:9-13
9 But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak.
10 For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idol's temple, will not the conscience of him who is weak be emboldened to eat those things offered to idols?
11 And because of your knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died?
12 But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.
13 Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.
So, yes, press on in your own life, don't judge others in theirs, but know that God holds us all to a very high standard (not perfect, admittedly, but enabled by the Spirit) of this striving to press into Christ. Let these words sink in to your spirit and let the Lord lead and guide you to the answer that you seek.
August 28, 2009
"Joy in the midst of suffering"
"Joy is My gift to you, but it is not free. It cost Me everything. If it were possible, I would spare you from knowing sorrow, which is the cost of joy, but then joy would not mean as much to you as it does to Me, and the joy in you would be merely earthly happiness which cannot compare to My joy. My joy will follow sorrow ALWAYS because I have overcome all that causes sorrow, even death itself. But only those who know Me and fellowship with Me will make that leap from sorrow to joy. In temporal life joy can be what it is only in contrast to the depths of sorrow that you feel. Know that I Am with you through it all, I see every tear, I hear every cry, and I hold you close in My loving arms. Even in My own sorrow I still rejoiced for your joy yet to come! That is the "secret" of joy (although it's not really a secret, it's just that not many people realize this) the midst of your sorrow look to me and rejoice that I have already overcome what is making you sorrowful. I know that you live in time and this may not make sense to you, but I speak to your spirit now by My Spirit that lives within you, which does not require anything to make sense. I am above all that makes sense, and I bring to pass even those things that do not make sense. In the midst of your sorrow, as I was in the midst of Mine, rejoice for others' joy as I, through the agony of the cross, rejoiced for yours. Rejoice now for the joy that I will bring to you, even before you see it or feel it. I am alive forevermore, I am with you always and will never leave you, and I love you with an everlasting love...your name is inscribed on the palm of My hand and you are the apple of My eye. Rejoice in Me, rejoice in My unfathomable love for you." – God
August 26, 2009
"The beauty of My Kingdom is in its growth. Spend no time thinking of failures. Count lessons learned as rungs in a ladder. Step up." – God
August 18, 2009
"Jesus prays for me!!"
Luke 22:31-32
31 And the Lord said, "Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat.
32 But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren."
This is one of the verses that I find great encouragement in...Jesus praying for me through the trial of even the devil wanting to 'sift me' like wheat!!...and also Jesus having confidence in me that I can make others strong! Talk about incentive to get my eyes off of myself and get on with life and ministry, serving Him completely!
August 12, 2009
"What’s Holding You Up?"
There is an erroneous doctrinal belief among some Christians that God never allows negative or bad things to happen to us, and if we experience these in our lives then it indicates that there was a "problem" on our end, not God's, most likely a lack of faith on our part. Please read on...
When a child is learning to ride a 2-wheel bicycle for the first time, what is placed on the bicycle to help him/her learn without fear? Training wheels, right? But wouldn't it be silly to see Lance Armstrong competing in the Tour de France with a bicycle that had training wheels on it?!! I'm sure that Lance did use training wheels at one time long ago. But there comes a time when we go from training wheels to dad's steadying hand (without training wheels) as he ran alongside the bicycle, then comes the "letting go" when we need to ride all by ourselves without any "props" holding us up. The exact same scenario applies to a child learning to walk on his/her own.
One of the major problems Christians face today is that they think that God is in the business (by FAITH, of course!) of propping them up for their entire lives. This couldn't be further from the truth. God certainly helps us when we're brand new on our "spiritual legs"...holding us up, encouraging us, steadying us, running along side of us, commissioning angels to keep us going, etc., etc. This is not as much a matter of OUR faith as it is a matter of God's love for us and His desire to see us mature. But then the day comes when He says, "It's time to take the training wheels off", or, "I'm letting go now, you can ride this thing, just keep going...just know I'll be here with you, but YOU are doing the riding now!" God lets go of us?!! What?? God forbid!!!! But that's exactly what He does. He sets us free to learn to walk and run, to experience life as we develop and mature in the Spirit. But, we still want Him to hold us up. We get nervous with every faltered step or bump in the way of our bicycle of life. When we don't feel His "training wheels" or direct hand in holding us up, we, out of fear, turn to other "props" that give us a secure feeling. Work, family, friends, money, health, security, hobbies, even CHURCH, and even pastors! We don't want to take the risk of trusting God alone in what He enables us to do or to be, so we prop ourselves up on all sides with props of our own making. Then, when God begins kicking out these props so that we can mature and grow in Him, we blame it on others, on the devil, on ourselves, etc., and miss the opportunity God is giving us through the whole process. We try to pray more, have more faith, read the Bible more, give more, go to church more, etc., etc., to try to get God to restore our "props", but forget about it...He won't do it...He's the one who kicked them out from under us (precisely BECAUSE He LOVES us)!! Not for our harm, but for our GOOD! His purpose is to get us to focus solely on Him, looking unto Jesus, the author and FINISHER of our faith. We don't need to look fully unto Jesus if all these other things are giving us security and holding us up. We don't need to grow up and learn to ride or walk by ourselves if the training wheels never come off! And in so doing we don't ever develop the deep, intimate relationship that God wants with each of us, and we don't ever attempt or accomplish the plan of God for our lives, the greater works that Jesus told us we'd do in His Name.
So, God removes the props...oh, not all at once, maybe a few at once, but most of the time just one at a time, until we learn to fill the place of that missing "prop" with our seeking intimacy with Him and Him alone. Where would you be if you got EVERYTHING you ever prayed for? A SPIRITUALLY SPOILED BRAT...that's where. It's true in the world when children have everything just handed to them and made easy for them, it's the same in the Spirit, too. God stretches us, challenges us, makes us uncomfortable, by kicking out the props that we have carefully put in place all around in our lives. When He kicks out one prop we get a bit off balance, so we compensate and rely even more on another prop. When he kicks out another one we find ourselves even becoming lopsided in certain things and void of spiritual maturity in others, until it is painfully obvious that we are trusting in the wrong things in life. It's rare, but sometimes God has to remove all the props at once, an extreme measure to be sure, when we simply refuse to let them go or continue to replace them as fast as God kicks them out from under us. The best place a person can be in (although it seems to him/her like it's the absolute worst place) is to have NOTHING to lean on but God Himself. That's a GOOD place, not a bad place to be.
So, the next time you experience a loss, a difficulty, a breach of security, a feeling of imbalance in your life, DON'T FIGHT IT, GO WITH IT. It might not be pleasant, and you might fall once or twice, even have a few minor injuries along the way, and it may even be extremely painful! What child ever learned to walk or ride a bike withOUT falling and getting hurt in the process? Go with it. The Bible says, "though I fall, I will arise!". The only defeat is when a Christian decides for himself to NOT GET UP and keep going after he/she falls. They wait on the ground, moaning and groaning, complaining that nobody cares about them, nobody is helping them up, nobody is down on the ground with them, God seems to bless others and not me, etc., etc. Here's some prophetic advice that you would do well to heed: "Pick YOURSELF up. Stir YOURSELF up in the Holy Spirit. Encourage YOURSELF with the Word of God and His promises. Then YOU get right back on that bicycle (whatever the challenge is in your life that you're going through at the time). True faith will always say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Perverted faith (which is not faith at all) says, "I believe God is going to do this FOR me". God can't and won't automatically mature you. Only YOU can do that. God will give you the opportunities and the necessary weapons and strength, but YOU must appropriate them. Accept God's "stretching" you...accept His kicking the props out from under you...turn to Him as your ONLY prop! Then you will find that all the other things will be added back unto you, not as props any more, but as blessings to help you accomplish the will of God and the advancement of His Kingdom on earth.
It's high time the church simply started to GROW UP.
August 10. 2009
"No rocks will ever take my place in praising God!"
Luke 19:37-40
37 Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen,
38 saying: "'Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!' Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"
39 And some of the Pharisees called to Him from the crowd, "Teacher, rebuke Your disciples."
40 But He answered and said to them, "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out."I am committed to never let the rocks cry out their praises to the Lord because I am silent! Help me in this, Lord. I will praise You even when I don't feel like praising You!
Perhaps this blog is my "congregation", even if a church congregation never opens up for me! I simply can't hold in what the Lord speaks in my heart. I am thankful for the this "outlet" for these things!
August 9, 2009
"Fear of what others will say is lack of trust in Me. Convert all difficulties into the purification of your character." (from the devotional book, "God Calling")
August 9, 2009
"Agree with the devil???"
Matthew 5:25-26
25 Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison.
26 Assuredly, I say to you, you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny.
One of the stupidest things a person can do is deny his own wrongdoing. God convicts those whom He loves for the purpose of restoring that person to righteousness. As soon as you know in your heart that you have sinned, the accuser (Satan), our adversary, comes in immediately to condemn (notice...God convicts to bring a person to repentance, Satan seeks to condemn a person so that they remain in their sin, place blame, and eventually allow guilt to overcome them). Verse 25 quoted above from Matthew gives wise counsel. Don't deny that you have sinned. Agree that you have...and agree immediately! The longer you wait, the more time you will have to justify yourself and potentially become the recipient of the penalty in verse 26. No matter how much it hurts your pride, confess your sin immediately. Repent from your heart. If you have hurt another person in any way, genuinely ask for forgiveness without any qualifications attached (example: "Well, you really did something stupid, that's why I yelled at you...please forgive me for yelling at you."...that's not genuine, it's not're simply justifying yourself and disguising it in pious "forgive me" language.)
Most immature Christians find it unthinkable that we would agree with the devil on anything! This is where they need to grow up and take heed to the whole counsel of God in the scriptures. But agreeing with an enemy (when they are right to begin with) is one of the most effective ways to "take the wind out of their sails". They don't expect that response...they're waiting for a debate, a fight on the subject at hand. But agree none-the-less. Then, when the devil is still dumbfounded trying to figure out what you're up to, repent before God from your heart, ask for forgiveness and make restoration as you are able to for any hurt that you have caused (no matter what the "righteous indignation" you were feeling and no matter how justified you felt at the time), and let the blood of Jesus wash the sin away before the devil can carry the accusation into the realm of condemnation.
Don't have anything with which to agree with the adversary? Start there! "I quickly agree that I have overlooked all of my sins against God and how I've injured others no matter what they did to me." Then ask the Lord to bring to your conscious remembrance anything that HE wants you to remember. Don't worry, the devil will be right there with his, "That's right! Yes, you did that!" accusation! Then, agree with him and follow the steps I've outlined above.
Can you say, "I've been set free!!" ?? Hallelujah!
August 8, 2009
"Waiting on the Lord"
Waiting on the Lord is natural life strenuous activity builds up physical strength, but in spiritual things it is they who wait on the Lord who shall have their strength built up (renewed). spiritual muscles must be working really hard, for I've been faithfully waiting on the Lord for 5 years now, joyfully serving Him the whole time! In fact, I know that the joyful serving is the key to productive waiting on the Lord...for it is not a matter of only idly waiting for time to pass and the Lord to do something.
August 7, 2008
I'm ready for God to do something BIG...Out-of-the-Box...Wild 'n Crazy according to normal "church" mentality...totally sovereign on His part. I know I've posted this before, but...AMAZE ME, GOD! I WANT TO STAND MORE IN AWE OF YOU THAN I ALREADY DO! MORE, LORD...MORE FIRE, MORE HOLY GHOST RAIN, MORE MIRACLES, MORE SWEEPING CONVICTION AND REPENTANCE IN THE CHURCH, MORE JOY, MORE OF YOU, MORE OF YOU, MORE OF YOU!!!
August 6, 2009
"No Lone Rangers in the Kingdom"
I am thoroughly convinced that there are no "lone rangers" in the Kingdom of God. If you are out there doing "your own thing", even in the Name of Jesus, then you're not doing "God's thing". Every person needs to be a part of something larger than him/herself, that's just the way God ordained our existence and our ministries. So, if you are a dismembered body part, you're either dying or you're already dead!
August 5, 2009
Think of it...God has placed all of His resources, His power, His authority, His Word, and His Voice in us, His Church. It is time to run, not crawl, not hobble, but run to Him! EXPECT the breakthrough He will accomplish in us!
August 5, 2009
"Things you never thought of before as temptations!"
Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall. No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. - 1 Corinthians 10:12, 13
Keep in mind that all of these: worry, fear, doubt, stress, discouragement, hopelessness, bitterness, anger, etc., etc., are all TEMPTATIONS before they become succumbed to in all of our lives! They can have no power over you if you realize this as soon as you sense their attack (and it is a very real ATTACK!) and you engage them in spiritual warfare (not just will power or mind over matter, which will always FAIL), "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds!!", and, "...bringing every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God into the captivity of CHRIST!". These battle plans will always win the day! I left out the biggest temptation, which should have been at the front of my list above: PRIDE. Also keep in mind that entire churches can have a "collective" personality or spirit of pride..."our church is better than your church". This is even more subversive to the Kingdom because "everybody" around you is the same way, and you don't notice it as much as if it were only you by yourself.
August 4, 2009
"A critical, judgemental spirit"
A critical spirit, a judgemental spirit, and a prejudicial (racist) spirit are like poison to the soul. Only a fool would believe that God will actually "take their side" and justify them, no matter how grievous the offense. The end result is having one's name blotted out of the Lamb's Book of Life, for the love of God cannot and will not dwell in the same heart alongside of these.
August 4, 2009
"Get right with God right now!"
I am thinking that when we are reunited with loved ones after a long absence there is hugging, kissing, even tears of joy. Are you anxiously looking for Jesus' return the same way? If not, don't be surprised when He comes back as He promised and you find yourself "left behind"! Get right with God now...repent of unforgiveness, bitterness, prejudice, immorality, etc., and with a clean heart eagerly look for His coming!
August 4, 2009
"Amaze me, God!"
I can't wait to see how You are going to amaze me again today, Lord! I anxiously wait with childlike anticipation, like a kid on Christmas morning, to see the wonders of Your love unfold before my eyes today. I want to stand back and just watch You move, working Your miracles of grace and power. Use me mightily for Your Kingdom purposes today! I find my satisfaction, fulfillment, peace, and joy in serving You!
August 3, 2009
"God's timing"
If your prayer is consistent with the will and Word of God, yet it still seems to be unheard and unfulfilled, there may be a matter of timing...God will do nothing before its time, and that is for our own good. Another possibility is that there are other people in the way blocking what God desires to do as He prompts you to pray. Remember...all people can be moved at God's discretion. Rest in this certainty.
August 3, 2009
"Bothersome people"
Do people make you mad all the time? Do they disappoint you? Do they not listen to you or live up to your expectations? Does it drive you into a moody "funk", and then you blame it on them because they didn't listen to you or do things your way? The corrective and prophetic Word of God comes to you now and says "Get your eyes off of yourself and stop being the center of the universe...that's MINE, says the Lord!"
July 31, 2009
"Safety in the multitude of counselors"
When you are seeking the will of God for your life, or asking for divine direction, and God seems to be leading you in a certain way or to do a certain thing, very rarely will it be so urgent that you must "jump on it" immediately. Rather, there is "safety in the multitude of counselors". Talk it over with another Godly, mature person or two. If it still resonates in your spirit, you now have confirmation and peace!
July 29, 2009
When your life and the world around you seem to be crumbling and control is lost to you, look up into the face of God to feel a sense of security and a thrill of joy at His nearness. Somehow, needing to be in control loses its significance and impact on your life when you realize that you are held close and loved immeasurably by the One who created and still controls every minute detail of the entire universe.
July 28, 2009
"Forget all sense of failure and shortcomings, all the painful jolts, just trust Me, Love Me, call upon Me." This is certainly great advice from the Lord, who does not want His children to live under mountains of stress and worry. He is the God who provides everything that is needful, enables us to overcome shortcomings, and stand fast in the "evil day" that we live in. Yes, call upon Him while He is near!
July 27, 2009
Look on every fear, not as a weakness, but as a real temptation to be attacked and overthrown.
July 25, 2009
Lord, speak to me today. Encourage me today. Make me more aware of Your love to the point that it overflows out of my heart today. Reveal to me what steps you have already ordained for me to walk in today. As I worship and adore You draw me into Your throne room and be intimate with me. Never let it be said that the rocks and trees had to cry out because I neglected to shout Your praise. I love you, Lord.
July 22, 2009
Do everything as unto the Lord. Nothing is ever futile, nothing wasted. God will bring good out of everything that is done in His name and according to His purposes to those He calls and who love Him!
July 21, 2009
Jesus, You are my hope. There is never any disappointment when total trust is placed in You. Please show me more and more how to keep my focus on You and You alone. It is my joy to serve you, and I wait at your feet for You to speak Your words of life into my heart and soul. I just want to be where You are and to do what You call me to do. Reveal Yourself to me now even in my dreams as I rest in You tonight.
July 18, 2009
"Seeking counsel only from those who agree with you?"
Those who seek and accept counsel only from those who are themselves searching for the answers to the same life-questions will undoubtedly find that they will soon become quite comfortable in the company of fools, yet their quest for the true answers will never be satisfied. At least they will have many friends and won't be lonely!
July 18, 2009
It is never My true Peace if it is attained through even the smallest truce with that which is is never a true Harmony with Me if it comes through the means of singing even one refrain of the song of your life to the mood and music of the world.
July 18, 2009
"Overcoming is never overcoming of the one who troubles you, but the overcoming of the weaknesses in your own nature aroused by such a one."
July 18, 2009
"Go back into silence to recover calm. You accomplish more by this than by all the activities of a long day."
July 17, 2009
Lessons cannot be learned without difficulty. Not to him who walks on with no obstacles, but to him that overcomes is the promise given.
July 17, 2009
Lord, I am completely Yours, purchased by the precious blood of Jesus. This is the day that the Lord has made, so today is completely Yours as well. Draw me closer to You today and use me this day to reflect the love of Jesus to all I encounter today. I rejoice in you and my heart is at peace. Your Kingdom come on earth, even as it is in heaven. Amen!
July 16, 2009
"Conformed to the image of Jesus"
God's real purpose for us is that we be continually formed (conformed) into the image of Jesus. I believe that while all of the fruit and gifts of the Spirit are wonderful and important, if asked to choose, God would say that the fruit (which indicate spiritual maturity) are way more important than the gifts! For without the fruit, the gifts are simply ecclesiastical magic acts that puff up rather than build up!
July 16, 2009
"God allows problems!"
Christians like to think (erroneously!) that God's purpose is to bless us and making things easy. That couldn't be further from God's purpose and character. He allows us to experience persecution, doubt, uncertainty, discouragement, rejection, loss, etc., so that when His time is perfect He can speak to our hearts and turn everything around, revealing to us His abiding love, and we then 'understand' and are AMAZED!
July 16, 2009
"Desire the Lord above all else"
Desiring the Lord is primary...all other desires, even good ones, are worldly unless they are filtered through the intimate fellowship we have with God. That is the ONLY way to defend against self! "One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. ~ Psalms 27
July 15, 2009
OK, I am. Amaze me! My anticipation is overwhelming! I love you so much.
July 15, 2009
"Shepherds and Sheep"
I am pondering why I'm so introspective and profound on the subject of shepherds and sheep right's way past my bedtime!
It's not the shepherd's responsibility to reproduce sheep...that's the sheep's job! Shepherds reproduce shepherds by mentoring them and pouring into them all that they have, and it is the sheep who are to reproduce sheep, which is the most basic work of the ministry of the Gospel.
Church shepherds (pastors) who do not smell like the sheep (people) from being intimately involved in personally ministering to them are really impostors in shepherds' clothing! We concentrate so much on looking for the "wolves in sheep's clothing" that we forget that the same holds true for pastors/shepherds!
July 12, 2009
I am thoroughly convinced that many times in life we are called upon to do that which we would rather not do...this is meeting the need wherever we are confronted by it. However, I also am convinced that until we flow in what gives us the most joy, in what comes from our hearts, in what we are most satisfied in, we will never be happy. These are the gifts of the Spirit and call of God on our lives.
July 11, 2009
My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your sight; keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those who find them and health to all their body. - Proverbs 4:20-22
July 9, 2009
"When God began to create..." (that's the literal translation of Genesis 1:1) If that's all the Bible said, that would be 'nuff said! Amen.
July 5, 2009
Lord, my heart cries out to you for those who, in the midst of intimate congregational worship and a powerful move of Your Spirit, simply stand there watching as spectators, hands at their sides, hearts unstirred. Draw them to Yourself, Lord. Show me, show us together, if there is anything we can do to help them to know You more.
July 3, 2009
Lord, send true shepherds to lead your flock. We've had enough of professional preachers, ecclesiastical corporations, endless programs to be propped up, and ministry department heads that are all "playing church" but lack the compassion of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
July 3, 2009
"Lord, send revival!"
I pray for true revival to sweep through your Church, Lord! Open the windows of heaven and let it rain with Holy Ghost rain! While I pray that you revive all of the leaders of Your Church, if there are any who refuse to cooperate with your Spirit of Revival and the flow of Your Holy Spirit, remove them from hindering the rest of the Church from flowing in You!
July 3, 2009
"Lord, send the breakthrough"
Lord, let this be a 'breakthrough' weekend, not only for me, but for all who have been faithfully serving you as we wait on you. Show us the next steps you have placed in front of us, as we are confident that as the righteous of the Lord You have truly ordered our steps, and as we trust you completely You will guide our path.
June 29, 2009
"Listening for God's voice"
I long to hear the voice of God speak with distinct clarity within me. When it seems that I have not heard that voice in a long time, I become aware of the convictions of my heart during times of stress and internal struggle, and I realize that God is speaking to me through His Word that I hid there long ago and through the character of His Spirit who lives within me!
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